Dongbofron Co., Ltd. has specialized in various industrial belts.



Edge Reinforcement is available with 25 mm wide PTFE film / PTFE coated fabric folded over and sewn. Heat sealed PTFE film edges, and 25 mm wide fabric edges heat sealed on the top surface are also available. Edge reinforcement prevents unraveling of porous belts and provides strong support for pin guides and grommets

PTFE film
Edge Reinforcement
PTFE / glass
Edge Reinforcement
Edge Reinforcement


A guiding system is essential for most of PTFE belts. Guiding may be by external guiding systems or by combining a system in the belt construction, such as metal studs, teflon pins or eyelets. External, electrical or mechanical systems are preferred, since they are suitable for all widths of belts and prolong belt life by preventing edge damage due to incorrect tracking.

Tips for optimizing belt life; Run at low tensions, use only flat rollers, ensure each roller is aligned properly and utilize an automatic guiding system.

Stud Guides Kevlar Guides PTFE Pin Guides
The belts run with tracking studs inserted in to one edge of the belt that then locate in to a machined groove in the rollers of the conveyor. This prevents the belts from tracking off and extends the belts life. The belts run with tracking kevlar guides inserted in to one edge of the belt that then locate in to a machined groove in the rollers of the conveyor. This prevents the belts from tracking off and extends the belts life. 16 mm Ø x 12 mm H Teflon Pin Guides are available on one side of any type belt. Kevlar edge reinforcement is recommended for strong connection pin guide to the belt. This type of pin guide is resistant up to 260°C temperature.
Metal Eyelets
We can make different diameter eyelets to both sides of any type belt. It is possible to connect eyelets with springs for belt tracking. Please consult your sales person if different size of diameters are requested.

Fiberflon® belts are delivered ready for installation with seam and edge reinforcement. Several type of seams, joints, splice and edge reinforcements are available according to process type. We serve following industries and others

Contact grill belts, food processing belts , Tortilla press belts, Textile dryer belts, printing dryer belts, Garment fusing press belts, Packaging machinery, plastic bag sealing, side sealing, over wrapping, tray wrapping and end sealing machine belts, Shrink packaging tunnel belts, Screen print dryers, Rotary band sealers, Rubber profile extrusion belts, PVC and Rubber backed carpet belts, lamination belts, Solar panel and photovoltaic lamination belts,